Following are the By-Products and their uses:
It is generated during the reduction process inside the rotary kiln. After burning of coal in the kiln the residue coal comes out from the kiln as char. In the char traceable amount of volatile matter, a very less amount of Fixed carbon and a very high percentage of ash are present.
This char can be used in AFBC along with conventional fuel.
After maximum burning of coal and char in the AFBC boiler, the fly ash is collected in ESP, and from there it is stored in a designated silo. This fly ash is consisting of a high percentage of silica.
Fly ash is being used in the cement industry.
The micron size of dust is collected from char while handling the unfinished DRI.
This can be used in the manufacturing of red bricks.
This is a refractory material that is drained out from the AFBC.
Bed materials are used as a replacement for sand or as sealing materials.
These are generated during the crushing and screening of ROM or oversize iron ore.
Iron ore fines may use in pellet making, sinter plants, and cement plants.
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